Card front

Classified Ad

5 – 30
To meet each other and create an atmosphere of trust and relaxation among the participants of the workshop.
Human rights: Identity
Opening, Middle
On-site: Indoors, Outdoors; Remote: Self-taught, Tutored
Group dynamic, Plenary session, Individual work
Children, Adolescents, Adults, Older adults
by Defensoría del Pueblo de Ecuador,
adapted from Colección de dinámicas 1: Dinámicas de presentación, J. Gómez, s.f. (
Card back
  • Link with experience30
      • White paper sheets
      • Colored markers
      • Scissors
        Link with experience
        30 min
        1. Hand each participant half a sheet of white paper and colored markers.

        2. Request them to use large print to create a classified ad to promote themselves, in which they say: "I am ... and I offer myself for ...".

        3. Once everyone has finished their classified ad, ask a volunteer to initiate the presentation of their name and their ad, and continue until all the participants have presented their work. You will be the last person to come forward and present your classified ad.

        4. Thank everyone for their participation and welcome them to the workshop or to the next activity.