Card front

Head, heart and hands

1 – 30
To gather information on the workshop by the participants
On-site: Indoors, Outdoors; Remote: Self-taught, Tutored
Individual work
Adolescents, Adults, Older adults
by Defensoría del Pueblo de Ecuador,
adapted from Equitas, 2010, “Cómo evaluar las actividades de capacitación en derechos humanos: Manual para educadores en derechos humanos”, Quebec, Cánada, pág. 193
Card back
    • Aprender, sentir, aplicar
      • Copy of the resource Head, Heart and Hands
      • Pens
        10 min
        1. Give each participant a copy of the resource "Learn, Feel, Apply".

        2. Ask participants to reflect on what they learned in the educational process and write in the resource according to the following categories:

          • In the point corresponding to the head they should state any new knowledge gained through the activities.
          • In the point corresponding to the heart , they should state the feelings and emotions they have experienced in the activities
          • In the point corresponding to the hands , they should state the new skills and how they intend to implement them in their schools, communities, with friends, at work, etc.
        3. After the reflection, collect the answer sheets