Create a workshop to about and , , and educatetrainsensitizedisseminate Human rightsUsers and consumersState obligationsEqualityGenderCollective rightsEnforceabilityVolunteeringRights and constitutionHuman rights educationRights of natureInstitutional role Featured activity Card front Activity Charla Duration 30m Participants 10 – 100 Objective Difundir información sobre un tema concreto. Purpose Difundir Topics Any Moment Apertura, Desarrollo, Cierre, Evaluación Method On-site: Indoors, Outdoors, Extramural; Remote: Self-taught, Tutored Technique Charla Audience Adolescentes, Adultos, Adultos mayores by Facilitario Card back StagesMinutes Integrate knowledge30 Resources Warnings Una charla no debería durar más de 30 minutos si queremos mantener la atención de las y los participantes Se debe toemar en cuenta el sonido, los ruidos y el tono de voz adecuados. Consumable materials Equipment explore activities Our mission to facilitate the meaningful learning of human rights learn more Take part Are you... an independent facilitator a government institution that implements workshops on a regular basis a private company that focuses on education a non-governmental organization join us